by Ellen Shaughnessy * December 14, 2015

An exciting new website is in the works, thanks to a grant from the William Penn Foundation – National Geographic is offering a unique geotourism site that will feature content and unique locally-owned places to check out, posted by the locals who best know the local trails, parks, sites and cool spots to visit. This website will have some really neat functionality including sort of a trip-planner ‘suitcase’ (or cart) where you plot the areas you want to visit and can save to your suitcase some of the more interesting things you want to check out while you are there…. this includes local events that are going on during your visit, accommodations, savory local restaurants, favorite hiking and biking trails, museums, etc.

The site’s first iteration will be launched in May of 2016… currently they are collecting content from local experts that know the best spots to visit. Editors are taking a look through this content now (through Jan 16, 2016) and will groom it so that they can post the first version of the National Geographic geo-tourism resource by May.
Have a favorite trail, local event, great kyaking spot, or excellent local experience that you want to share for geo-tourists? It should be located east of route 33. This is a nice opportunity to share with the world what some of the best local experiences are, for those visiting. The National Geographic Delaware River Geotourism site is here – it will take approx 20 mins to input a ‘nomination’ that you want to share and it’s a good idea to have a few best photos of the experience handy when you are ready to start inputting the info. for your event or experience.
…..and Riverside Festival of the Arts made the cut 🙂